
Movie Details

  • Name : Osvobozhdenie: Napravlenie glavnogo udara
  • Director : Yuriy Ozerov
  • Actors : Mikhail Nozhkin, Nikolay Olyalin, Mikhail Ulyanov, Larisa Golubkina,
  • Genre : Drama, History, Romance, War,
  • Date Of Release : Jun 25th 1971
  • Movie Plot : This five part WW2 epic drama gives a dramatized detailed account of the five major eastern front Soviet campaigns against Nazi Germany.
    In the spring of 1944, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command explores possible directions for the main offensive operation of the year, planned for the summer. Georgiy Zhukov travels to Belarus and is exploring the possibility of an offensive there. After discussions, the Soviet command is developing a plan for the Belarusian offensive operation "Bagration". As a result of large-scale hostilities in the framework of this operation, the German Army Group Center was defeated and the territory of Belarus, part of the Baltic states and Poland, was liberated.