Report, if you have a problem with this page“ Quotations from ‘“THE STRENGTH IN KNOWING”***Convey to others more compassion, sensitivity, understanding rather than judgementalism”To find pity shall enable forgiveness to surfaceThere are good bones in everyone’s body, what varies are the numberCause and effect from the very smallest act by one individual can change mankind for all timeDevastation can be a reward, and a path to regenerationEmotions May Inhibit our Ability to Find PeaceOne must conquer One’s insensitivity to sensitivityTrue peace maintains strength and calm in the face of discord and tensionWisdom is not guranteed to be achieved with age but rather realized with ones sensitiviy to man and the universeOpposites create duality. The ego creates opposites. Therefore, the ego creates dualityOne should not permit his or her life path to be influenced by the expectations of others. Doubt is the archenemy of the purity of thought and it inhibits the essence of all that is Our, emotions and perceptions determine our attitudes and ultimately our choicesDon’t do it later; do it now.True love is unconditional and everlasting and it cannot cease.Reframing from negative speech is a path to reduction of negative thoughtUncontaminated understanding and awareness is the purity of essence and the essence of purity ”