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Unknown Wattpad writer
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has their own. I don't mess with yours and you don't mess with....
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
I live to inspire, not start the fire.
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
We're all made the same but then born to change. Which then don't make us the same.
Michelle Sorensen
Chöd is conventionally and misleadingly seen as analogous to, if not derived from, shamanic initiatory....
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
Only one wish I have, and that is to die a happy man.
Amy Lignor
The Gates of Heaven and the Gates of Hell are the same gates. It just depends which side you're standing....
Kelly Vang
Time is a watchful adversary, who waits enduringly for that merciless hour, hurrying to work the hands....
Indeewara Jayawardane
Terrorism & tourism rhyme with each other. Yet they don't go well alongside despite some similiarities....
If I have the gift of the prophecy, and can fathom all mystery's and knowledge, and if I have faith that....
Jonathan Anthony Burkett
Grind until you get it no matter what the haters say and never look back, keep striving cause its your....
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