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Tag - 1967
Quotes Tagged With :1967
Hannah Arendt
For an ideology differs from a simple opinion in that it claims to possess either the key to history,....
Roger Zelazny
If it will give you any satisfaction in the end, I still care for you. Either there is no such thing....
Hannah Arendt
It was not, however, to these Fascist groups, numerically unimportant as they were, that the Third Republic....
Noam Chomsky
Israel's demonstration of its military prowess in 1967 confirmed its status as a 'strategic asset,' as....
Hannah Arendt
Only the unlimited accumulation of power could bring about the unlimited accumulation of capital.
Roger Zelazny
First, a man may in some ways be superior to his fellows and still serve them, if together they serve....
Lloyd Alexander
I saw myself.... In the time I watched, I saw strength—and frailty. Pride and vanity, courage and fear.....
Rick Riordan
To call the place an anthill would be like calling the Versailles Palace a single-family home. Earthen....
Roger Zelazny
He smelled the smells of commerce and listened to the cursing of the sailors, both of which he admired:....
Roger Zelazny
You are a fool to speak of last great battles, Sam, for the last great battle is always the next one.....
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