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Tag - academia
Quotes Tagged With :academia
Dorothy L. Sayers
The only ethical principle which has made science possible is that the truth shall be told all the time.....
Dorothy L. Sayers
I am concerned only with the proper training of the mind to encounter and deal with the formidable mass....
Sarah Caudwell
On my first day in London I made an early start. Reaching the Public Record Office not much after ten,....
Terry Pratchett
As humans, we have invented lots of useful kinds of lie. As well as lies-to-children ('as much as they....
Paul Goodman
The classical anthropological question, What is man?—"how like an angel, this quintessence of dust!"—is....
Dorothy L. Sayers
To make a deliberate falsification for personal gain is the last, worst depth to which either scholar....
Flannery O'Connor
I don't recall that when I was in high school or college, any novel was ever presented to me to study....
John Richard Stephens
Macadamia nuts can be fatal to dogs, sometimes causing seizures and kidney failure.
Thomas Sowell
Information or allegations reflecting negatively on individuals or groups seen less sympathetically by....
William Deresiewicz
Fortunately, our colleges and universities are fully cognizant of the problems I have been delineating....
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