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Tag - accidental
Quotes Tagged With :accidental
Amit Kalantri
Faster is fatal, slower is safe.
Sunday Adelaja
Don’t just remain that accidental product.
Maquita Donyel Irvin
I didn't come looking for you the day you uninvitedly appeared on my doorstepHow did we go from nonchalant....
Nityananda Das
Harmony doesn’t happen by accident, accidents happen by accident.
Nuno Roque
Nothing I do is natural, realistic, organic or accidental. I'm never spontaneous, I'm completely premeditated.....
Christina Engela
Damage report, sir?” Skotchdopole asked, climbing off his console into his seat.“To hell with that!”....
Adam Rapp
Fifteen years ago I killed my sister.
Steven Millhauser
He sank back into his black-and-white world, his immobile world of inanimate drawings that had been granted....
Robertson Davies
Need we go into details about what I said to Judy? I am no poet, and I suppose what I said was very much....
Sunday Adelaja
Don’t just remain an accidental being.
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