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Tag - acion
Quotes Tagged With :acion
Daniel Delgado F
Democracy is a system were ignorants choose a government, comunism is a system where ignorants govern....
Amélie Nothomb
It is too sad . I must speak to him- The do you really ?- Sure . How can you expect things to get better....
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Cada vez que un libro cambia de manos, cada vez que alguien desliza la mirada por sus páginas, su espíritu....
Gina Greenlee
Indulgence comes in all varieties: a mouthful of gourmet chocolate, a hot stone massage, a week in Paris....
Fernando Rodriguez
Embody the Unique Value Proposition through a consistent brand system
Daniel Delgado F
If you think like others, how can you be sure you're thinking at all?
Gabrielle Williams
And hard times are good in their own way, too. Because the only way you can achieve true happiness is....
Israelmore Ayivor
You want to achieve your dreams early, right? I know of only one back door; that's HARDWORK. Only few....
Fernando González y Lozano
Life is Ambition, not for Survive but for Be Better each second, for Superate your Records and to Get....
Jared Leto
When you´re at the point you feel you have nothing to live or thrive fo, be like a camera, use your....
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