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Tag - addict
Quotes Tagged With :addict
Travis Luedke
She began to realize some decisions cannot be undone no matter how hard you try.
Andrew Davidson
It was not long before I discovered that withdrawing addicts lost their composure in exactly the same....
Jonathan Swift
Coffee makes us severe, and grave and philosophical.
Andy Behrman
Like Sylvia Plath, Natalie Jeanne Champagne invites you so close to the pain and agony of her life of....
Sola Kosoko
The more you worry about your spending, the less you focus on increasing your capacity.
Amit Abraham
People who are not on Facebook are face to face.
Amy Reed
Getting rid of the drugs doesn’t get rid of all the other ways you learned to deal with the world.....
Once you have known awareness, nothing is worth it-- you have known the greatest bliss of life. Then,....
C.S. Lewis
... I have always found that the Trough periods of the human undulation provide excellent opportunity....
Chris Prentiss
How do you think your body and mind would respond if you were surrounded by psychologists, psychiatrists,....
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