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Tag - agony
Quotes Tagged With :agony
Carrie Lynn Jones (Immel)
Purpose in the sufferingA crisis-- the kind that knocks the wind out of ya, the kind that makes your....
Lisa Schroeder
«I’ve never been to a funeral until today. I see dazzling arrangements of red, yellow, and purple....
Tender Ember...Barred and brandedto be forever unlovedI was a tender emberseeking solace from above.......
Ramana Pemmaraju
The more I try to understand one very peculiar aspect of women, it seems clear to me that apart from....
W. Scott Lineberry
The healing is my working out my salvation. The need constant because my desire for seperateness constantly....
Michael Bassey Johnson
Don't cry for the dead, for the dead is deaf, dumb, blind, lame, unemotional and dead.
Osman Welela
...pain that would have made even a god shiver in terror.
There are some beloved women whose eyes, by a chance blend of brilliancy and shape, affect us not directly,....
Jalaluddin Rumi
My wails of sorroware tormenting my soul
Meadow's Waltz...the meadow had becomeher sanctuary of spiritoffering an escape from a painno child should....
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