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Tag - alive
Quotes Tagged With :alive
Akshay Vasu
Your creation was the god's way of showing humans that, the artist in him is still alive.
Bryant McGill
When negative feelings move upon you, reflect, and recognize the danger of feeding those feelings and....
Bette Davis
I work to stay alive.
Ufuoma Apoki
And then, that feeling comes again when you seem invincible and totally awesome. You simply can't hold....
George Alec Effinger
Jesus, what a nuisance it was, being desperate to stay alive.
Jill Badonsky
If you stay open to the wisdom of your Muse, you may discover you’re a playwright, a sculptor, a kitchen-table....
Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache
And there I was at night, chasing after the full moon behind the clouds like a mad man in search of the....
Havelock Ellis
Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive.
Alaya Dawn Johnson
In the dark, I seem to stretch. Without a body to witness, I grow and grow with my pleasure. I feel like....
Jessica Fechtor
To trust in your own aliveness, in your own ability to sustain and be sustained - there are times when....
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