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Tag - alliterations
Quotes Tagged With :alliterations
Amit Kalantri
Networking isn't how many people you know, it's how many people know you.
Amit Kalantri
Don't mention your move before you make a move.
Amit Kalantri
Don't always use prudence for precaution, sometimes use it for progress.
Amit Kalantri
Be a worthy worker and work will come.
Amit Kalantri
Most of the people readily accept the principle but resist its practice.
Amit Kalantri
Faster is fatal, slower is safe.
Amit Kalantri
Prudence is precaution, prudence is protection.
Amit Kalantri
An assembly is extra slow in taking actions.
Amit Kalantri
Anything which you have in profusion is poison
Amit Kalantri
Power does not pardon, power punishes.
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