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Tag - amazon
Quotes Tagged With :amazon
Simi Sunny
I don’t mind my friends calling me 'Thornes,' but the fact of people calling me 'Prickly Thornes' draws....
Viraj J. Mahajan
She was now drowning in that pool of desires without having any idea about the depth of it.
Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Patience is a virtue not a vice.
Viraj J. Mahajan
She was few inches taller than him and when for the first time her promising eyes met with his, he knew....
Susan C. Young
Smiling reduces blood pressure by lowering the stress-inducing hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol.....
Susan C. Young
Whether it is in a sales situation, love at first sight, a husband and wife having an important conversation,....
Richard Due
But—" yelped Twizbang, “Greydor will eat us!
Eileen Anglin
Where there is poverty, there will be destruction and exploitation by the corporations and governments....
G.R. Reader
. . . I can see how the issue of exercising corporate control over users content is truly enraging here,....
Viraj J. Mahajan
These stories always take us to some far away places which we can never visit in real life.
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