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Tag - among
Quotes Tagged With :among
James C. Dobson
When you strip away all the layers one by one, not much remains to “discover.” You will never find....
Stephen Hawking
Among physicists, I'm respected I hope.
Sergei Lukyanenko
Love is happiness, but only when you believe it will last forever. Even though every time it turns out....
Will Advise
Love can be found mainly amongst stars
Steven Magee
Police officers are among the most corrupt people that I have encountered in life.
CoMMOn SeNSe iS nOt sO cOmMOn aMoNg coMMon pEOPLe...
Anne-Rae Vasquez
There are rules to the game but I don’t believe that we need to be bound by them. If it feels appropriate....
Scott Beadle
Alex: "You asked earlier why us humans fear death. I suppose it is the unknown - not knowing what awaits....
Bruno Apitz
Here. Here I am.You've taken everything from us, but not who we are! We still exist! One day grass will....
David Hume
Truth springs from argument amongst friends.
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