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Tag - austria
Quotes Tagged With :austria
Jeffrey Tucker
Here is a principle to use in all aspects of economics and policy. When you find a good or service that....
Stephan Kinsella
Nowadays the job of the judge is not to do justice. The judge is more of a functionary . He's like a....
Stefan Molyneux
When people encounter the free market and they recoil or react negatively to it, they're merely confessing....
Friedrich A. Hayek
The disdain of profit is due to ignorance, and to an attitude that we may if we wish admire in the ascetic....
Frédéric Bastiat
Experience teaches effectually, but brutally. It makes us acquainted with all the effects of an action,....
Lysander Spooner
No man can rightfully be required to join, or support, an association whose protection he does not desire.....
Jeffrey Tucker
The overwhelming tendency of markets is to bring people together, break down prejudices, persuade people....
Larken Rose
But who would build the roads if there were no government? You mean to tell me that 300 million people....
Peter D. Schiff
I don't want the technology of the 1950s, but I want the free market of the 1950s.
Robert Higgs
In regard to the so-called social contract, I have often had occasion to protest that I haven't even....
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