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Tag - autistic
Quotes Tagged With :autistic
Claire LaZebnik
Why are you asking me? I'm seventeen and don't know anything about what to do when you're autistic and....
Ned Hayes
The wind is blowing hard around me, the sound is rising in my chest again, and I feel I can fly.And then....
Corinne Duyvis
That’s very trusting.” Iris watches Anke search our backpacks.“We’re saving people’s lives.....
Suzy Kassem
The gut is the seat of all feeling. Polluting the gut not only cripples your immune system, but also....
Michael Braccia
Try to understand how they feel - put yourselves in their place. Imagine you are in a foreign country....
Ned Hayes
This tree was a vast cylinder of wood. It filled the sky. The limbs reached out above me, a great canopy....
Ned Hayes
I saw the Eagle Tree for the first time on the third Monday of the month of March, which I guess could....
Ned Hayes
I watched water dripping off the ferns and the needles of the Western Red Cedar next door. I watched....
Ned Hayes
I fall for centuries of life. First sunlight touches this hillside; and buried inside the earth, a seed....
Ned Hayes
Many people think trees grow so big from soil and water, but this is not true. Trees get their mass from....
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