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Tag - bah
Quotes Tagged With :bah
Abah Mohd Khairul Anuar
Opportunity knocks only once.
Idries Shah
Do not dwell upon whether you will put yourself into the hands of a teacher. You are always in his hands.....
Kate Elliott
How can it be men would put up with such an arrangement?''Why do some people demand it of women but not....
Aminatta Forna
At the time he had closed in upon himself, denying her a place of entry. She was tenacious, aggressive....
Idries Shah
Debating whether one trusts or not is a sign that one does not want to trust at all, and therefore is....
Denise Hildreth Jones
Some things just couldn't be protectd from storms. Some things simply needed to be broken off...Once....
Drexel Deal
One of the things we haven’t taught our people as a nation, that this is their country. We haven’t....
Idries Shah
You will always have doubts, but only discover them at a useful time for your weakness to point them....
Rachel Joyce
I actually hate Christmas," says Eileen. "Everybody has this idea you have to have a good time, like....
Merkabah is translated as either meaning the throne of god or chariot. Both definitions imply a means....
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