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Tag - balaam
Quotes Tagged With :balaam
Anna M. Aquino
There is a lost and dying world out there. They need to see that the Church is different from their socially-segregated....
Anna M. Aquino
Accuracy is not the measure of a true prophet. You will know the true prophets by their fruit.
Anna M. Aquino
In order for us to become the Bride of Christ, we must stop being so divided. We must start coming together.....
Anna M. Aquino
Selfishness is the root of all jealousy. When we are caught up thinking about ourselves, we can't think....
Anna M. Aquino
You can choose to be part of the solution or part of the problem.
Anna M. Aquino
Having true compassion for people isn't about the words that are spoken and the actions that are done.....
Anna M. Aquino
When new believers come into the Church-when the young and innocent who are so full of life come in-we....
Anna M. Aquino
We used to live in a society where if we saw one person struggling in our boat, we'd all stop what we....
Anna M. Aquino
If your temper is violent towards your brothers and sisters in the Lord, whose kingdom are you trying....
Anna M. Aquino
I believe that forgiveness is a processes. You might be able to release some offenses right away, but....
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