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Tag - beingness
Quotes Tagged With :beingness
Enza Vita
You aren’t actually a someone, a person, who is conscious. You are the awake space of awareness itself,....
Enza Vita
Not knowing anything, not searching for anything, understanding that we can’t hold on to anything,....
Enza Vita
In enlightenment, the seer and the seen disappear. Or, more accurately, are seen through as illusions.....
Enza Vita
True freedom is when all the stories, all the insights, all the realizations, concepts, beliefs and positions....
Enza Vita
Anything that appears and disappears cannot actually be you because it is being observed by you. By removing....
Enza Vita
Just knowing that there is no gate to pass through doesn’t mean that we are at the end of the search,....
Enza Vita
All paths are valid, but in the end you will find that the realization of the ultimate truth is a pathless....
Peter Santos
What we are now, we continue to be.
Enza Vita
Awareness is that which is reading these words right now, whatever “that” is. You know without a....
Enza Vita
The one who believes himself to be a person needs to try to find that person. This is a solution, an....
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