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Tag - bibliophile
Quotes Tagged With :bibliophile
Greg Cox
...maybe you can curb your bibliophile tendencies for the moment? It's not like we don't have other...priorities....at....
Life is paradoxical, but I believe that I could also be the same person I am today, if life would have....
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Never before had I felt trapped, so seduced and caught up in a story,' Clara explained, 'the way I did....
Mattia Caldara
I don't like playing playstation. It seems like a waste of time to me. Reading, instead, leaves something....
Jim C. Hines
...bookstores, libraries... they're the closest thing I have to a church.
Gabrielle Zevin
I do not believe in God. I have no religion. But this to me is as close to a church as I have known in....
Paula Gruben
For all her faults, it was actually my mom who instilled in me a love of reading, and books, for which....
David S.E. Zapanta
To think that she had read the same elegiac prose he now beheld with such quiet awe made his heart sing.....
Shannon Hale
She closed the book and put her cheek against it. There was still an odor of a library on it, of dust,....
Umberto Eco
We live for books.
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