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Tag - biography
Quotes Tagged With :biography
Alexander Vassilieff
I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.
Ira Bruce Nadel
In many ways. . .the completeness of biography, the achievement of its professionalization, is an ironic....
Alistair MacLean
He must have courage, not the physical courage required on a battlefield but the moral courage to make....
Courtney Anderson
There were two worlds, two lives, for each person: this one--brief, narrow, finite; and the hereafter--....
Vanessa Bell
I do not think it matters whether one agrees or not as long as one is forced to think.
Theresa Sjoquist
When will the human race choose wisely? All know it is just as eventful, if not more so, when the young....
Mike Jay
But, mad or sane, Matthews was a man of no ordinary persistence. He was not prepared to renounce the....
Christopher Hitchens
It is indeed strange, given the heavy emphasis placed by chroniclers on Churchill's sheer magnitude of....
Martin Amis
The trouble with life (the novelist will feel) is its amorphousness, its ridiculous fluidity. Look at....
Terry Lee Rioux
In those days, men proved their strength and manliness by being well mannered, helpful, and gentle. Just....
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