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Tag - biot
Quotes Tagged With :biot
Betsy Cook Speer
It felt like an eternity before he gingerly lifted himself from the table and staggered backwards. Glass....
George Ohsawa
Yin and yang are the left and right hands of the Infinite — creator, destroyer, and reproducer....
Alexander Fleming
It has been demonstrated that a species of penicillium produces in culture a very powerful antibacterial....
Hans Selye
I doubt that Fleming could have obtained a grant for the discovery of penicillin on that basis [a requirement....
Betsy Cook Speer
I recalled thinking...His freakishly tidy side could be a problem. To say that neatness was not my strong....
Gayle Forman
Sometimes we meet people and are so symbiotic with them, it’s as if we are one person, with one mind,....
Darion D'Anjou
Escape is very difficult to negotiate, underwater.
Ryan Bethencourt
Our world is built on biology and once we begin to understand it, it then becomes a technology
Let food be thy your medicine
Michael Pollan
In the debate over the use of antibiotics in agriculture, a distinction is usually made between their....
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