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Tag - blossoms
Quotes Tagged With :blossoms
Arakida Moritake
A fallen blossomreturning to the bough, I thought --But no, a butterfly.
Amit Ray
Every day, let our words blossom lotus in some one's heart.
Sanober Khan
I wouldn't mindif life left me...winglessburnt to cindersripped by stormsscattered...like weedscelestially....
Hayden Wand
You can’t even stay dead like a reasonable person!” he yelled, overjoyed at the sight of his brother.....
C. JoyBell C.
I think that the most beautiful of people are like exquisite serpents— glorious sheen, glorious patterns....
Blossoms shower, and then they go on showering—they never stop. The blossoms that showered for Buddha....
Jim Chapson
Approaching the Start of Civil ExamsPerhaps I was once a young Chinese scholarapproaching the start of....
Nadia Hasan
Don’t ever let Them tell youyou aretoo broken to bloom
Kobayashi Issa
What a strange thing!to be alivebeneath cherry blossoms.
One has to get rid of the self. Once the self is thrown away, nothing is lacking. You start overflowing....
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