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Tag - bon
Quotes Tagged With :bon
Wendy Hoffman
Betrayal is a more subtle, twisted feeling than terror. It burns and eats, but terror stabs right through.....
Hiroshana Jayamal
Sometimes bonds are very simple.We don't want to care about the people who don't care about us.
Natalie Dormer
Actors have this amazing skill - we bond quite quickly but equally we move on quite quickly. There's....
Jalaluddin Rumi
Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words.
Khadija Rupa
Please don’t tell me, it was less painful than a broken backbone, a forgotten poem, a lost home.
Teresa Schultz
Jesus came to bring life more abundantly. He came to save the soulsick, to deliver those bound up in....
Fiona Zedde
Across from her, Hunter devoured her meal even more completely than she had. Sinclair watched her sink....
Nadine Brandes
Ribbons! Long ones, short ones, ones for every mood." He does a little dance to the singsong rhythm.....
James Holman
The passion for travelling is, I believe, instinctive in some natures. We have seen men persevere in....
Stephen King
I stood for almost an hour in a line of shuffling, bitter - eyed late mailers (Christmas is such a carefree,....
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