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Tag - booklover
Quotes Tagged With :booklover
Viola Shipman
The Book CharmYour Story Will Never End As Long As Your Chapters Are Shared
Munia Khan
Bookworms are the most precious worms in the world when they are humans, feeding upon the paper's body....
Sara Dardikh
Lui continua a scusarsi e a elencarmi la sua lista di problemi, senza rendersi conto che il vero problema....
Sarah Morgan
«A book can't take the place of a man!»«I disagree. A book can give you most things a relationship....
C. Morley
Quando vendi ad un uomo un libro, non gli vendi 12 once di carta, un po' di inchiostro e della colla,....
Sara Dardikh
Ha dato tutto per scontato, ha dato per scontato che fossero solo parole dette a caso senza fare lo sforzo....
Rainbow Rowell
You’ve read the books?”“I’ve seen the movies.”Cath rolled her eyes so hard, it hurt. (Actually.)....
Kelseyleigh Reber
Later that night though, as I stayed awake into the early hours of morning devouring the second novel....
Suzanne Collins
Para que haya traición debe haber primero confianza.
Sara Dardikh
L'essere notata non mi va a genio, questo mi pare chiaro.
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