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Tag - bourgeoisie
Quotes Tagged With :bourgeoisie
Karl Marx
And here it becomes evident that the bourgeoisie is unfit any longer to be the ruling class in society....
Terre Thaemlitz
As every good marxist already knows, the ideological shift toward a terminally optimistic humanism was....
Christopher Hitchens
In the same essay, Said (who is reviewing Peter Stansky and William Abrams, co-authors obsessed with....
Eddie Muller
The collective sign of relief heaved on V-J Day ought to have inspired Hollywood to release a flood of....
André Gunder Frank
Arnold Harberger, Milton Friedman & Co. Inc., your modest proposal of partial equilibrium for the general....
Tayeb Salih
Everyone who is educated today wants to sit at a comfortable desk under a fan and live in an air-conditioned....
Hannah Arendt
Imperialism was born when the ruling class in capitalist production came up against national limitations....
Hannah Arendt
What imperialists actually wanted was expansion of political power without the foundation of the body....
Karl Marx
The bourgeois during its rule of scarce one hundred years, has created more massive and more colossal....
Friedrich Engels
True, t is only individuals who starve, but what security has the working-man that it may not be his....
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