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Tag - boyer
Quotes Tagged With :boyer
Mark Boyer
We all must do what we have to do to get where we need to be. Ultimately, you make that final decision....
Mark W. Boyer
People tend to spend so much time focusing on what they feel they can't do, rather examining the true....
Mark W Boyer
There is no such thing as, "I trust you a little or I trust you a lot." You either trust, or you do not.....
Mark W Boyer
Just because you consider yourself a genius does not mean you are smart
Mark W. Boyer
Everyone has someone to call on when they're down, let me be that someone when that ones not around.
Mark W. Boyer
There is nothing more stimulating to the senses than that of a female body freshly emerged from a steaming....
Mark W. Boyer
If you go through life expecting nothing chances are you'll be content most of the time.
Mark W. Boyer
Allow the beauty of all that we love be reflected in who we are and in our actions.
Mark W. Boyer
The best help we can offer the youth of today is to prepare them for tomorrow.
Mark W. Boyer
Whether it be training, dieting, working out, or work ethic, for every great excuse "Not" to do something,....
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