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Tag - bracker
Quotes Tagged With :bracker
Hank Bracker
What’s in an Orange?Cuba has encouraged foreign investments in agriculture. The Cuban citrus industry....
Hank Bracker
Christmas, 1492….Unfortunately, on Christmas morning 1492 Columbus' ship, the Santa María, ran aground....
Hank Bracker
Juan Ponce de LeónOn April 2, 1513, according to legend while searching for the Fountain of Youth, Ponce....
Hank Bracker
The Hudson BurlesqueOf all the theaters I miss from that era, the Hudson Theatre tops the list. It was....
Hank Bracker
From the Bridge”Celebrating “La Navidad Cubana”Before the fall of Batista, Cuba was considered....
Hank Bracker
January 8, 1959; Castro enters HavanaOn January 8, 1959, Fidel made his grand entrance into Havana. With....
Hank Bracker
Cuba has nine official National Public HolidaysJanuary 1st - Liberation Day & New Year’s Liberation....
Hank Bracker
There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills!Cuba has a history of mining that dates back to 1520, when the Spaniards....
Hank Bracker
Alejandro de Humboldt National ParkOutside of the major cities, the great majority of Cuba is agricultural....
Hank Bracker
Having been a Ship’s Captain, a Naval Officer a Mathematics & Science Teacher, most people would believe....
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