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Tag - brahman
Quotes Tagged With :brahman
Joseph P. Kauffman
Subject and object are not separate—so-called objective reality is projected by our subjective Consciousness.....
Joseph P. Kauffman
In Advaita Vedanta, and in many other ancient wisdom traditions, the world is said to be an illusion.....
Joseph P. Kauffman
Every being experiences themselves as the center of their experience. Consciousness is what lies at our....
Joseph P. Kauffman
We cannot learn if we are stuck in our mind’s conditioned way of thinking. We must be open to discovering....
Joseph P. Kauffman
It is because we feel that we are separate from nature that we also feel it is okay to manipulate it,....
Joseph P. Kauffman
No label can define the immensity of your True nature. You are the awareness that precedes every label,....
Joseph P. Kauffman
Examples of fractals are everywhere in nature. They can be found in the patterns of trees, branches,....
Joseph P. Kauffman
God is the ultimate ground of Being, and this ultimate ground of Being is YOU. For one who realizes their....
Joseph P. Kauffman
When we see one another as different aspects of ourselves—as ourselves experiencing a different situation....
Sri Aurobindo
The Unknown is not the Unknowable; it need not remain the unknown for us, unless we choose ignorance....
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