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Tag - brookyln
Quotes Tagged With :brookyln
Sana Krasikov
Sergey described the mighty furnaces and plants rising up from the steppes. “How far we’ve come.....
Sana Krasikov
A Red Riding Hood out of her depths in the woods of socialism
Sana Krasikov
Only then, as she prepared to cross the avenue, did she again spot the man in the fedora hat. He was....
Sana Krasikov
Florence, listen to me carefully. He squeezed her hand. Take whatever that agent offers you. Give him....
Sana Krasikov
Their courtship unfolded in two settings, a Russian reality overlaid with New York memories
Sana Krasikov
Sunset was just then settling over Red Square. There seemed some hidden vision to be gleaned. A message....
Sana Krasikov
The Bolshevik leaders perched atop the Mausoleum were no easier to tell apart than chess pawns. But Florence....
Sana Krasikov
Our communists aren’t like your communists. In New York they’re always on the street demonstrating,....
Sana Krasikov
From the moment Julian entered the world, Florence had begun to conceive of life as separate from the....
Sana Krasikov
She was arriving at a revelation that the secret to living was simply forgetting
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