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Tag - bull
Quotes Tagged With :bull
Anthony T. Hincks
If we fought wars with laughter instead of bullets, you would die laughing instead of just dying.
Steven Erikson
Awful things, children. Needy, self-centered tyrants, the boys all teeth and firsts, the girls all claws....
Walt Whitman
God is a mean-spirited, pugnacious bully bent on revenge against His children for failing to live up....
Lynn Schusterman
The people of Oklahoma deserve better. We deserve leadership that's willing and unafraid to take a public....
Scott Nicholson
The rain fell like dead bullets.
Rukhsar Din
When I recall memories, it all seems like a film, not a reality.
Azelene Williams
Life is full of challenges. In the end, it's getting up that pulls us through the dark days. So we can....
Margaret Mitchell
Scarlett, I don't know just when it was that the bleak realization came over me that my own private shadow....
Cassandra Giovanni
I'd lost myself in the abyss of someone else's tyranny...again.
Daniele Lanzarotta
I’m starting to think that you have a really bad habit of trying to save me.”She turns shy and looks....
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