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Tag - busyness
Quotes Tagged With :busyness
Craig D. Lounsbrough
It wasn’t until I slowed the car and rolled down the windows that I realized I spend most of my days....
Mark Slouka
We're angry about this, upset about that, but who has the time to do anything anymore? There are those....
John C. Maxwell
The greatest enemy of good thinking is busyness.
Marquita Burke-DeJesus
Those who suffer suffer because hurt people hurt people, and busy people let it happen. So am I going....
Josef Pieper
Repose, leisure, peace, belong among the elements of happiness. If we have not escaped from harried rush,....
Michael Hyatt
The busier you are, the more intentional you must be.
Todd Stocker
Busyness chokes deep thinking.
Kilroy J. Oldster
Pain is a crucial part of our reality; it awakens a person from a mental stupor. A person must never....
Gillian Deacon
There is no social stigma attached to the frenzy, no peer motivation to slow us down. Rather it is the....
Eric C. Sinoway
Juggling and balancing effectively required that we make clear, legacy-driven choices about what we're....
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