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Tag - bwwm
Quotes Tagged With :bwwm
Shay Rucker
Look here, cousin,” Big Country’s drawled in the background. “This here’s a car. We just got....
L'Poni Baldwin
I saw the last piece of innocence unfurl inside of her.-Nick Plato (from the story Platonick)
Shay Rucker
Well,” Lynx said once the man was dead. “That was…uneventful.”“You’re as fickle as an old....
Rosetta Bloom
Mike,” she said in her most seductive voice. “You know and I know that I want to get laid tonight.....
Ally Fleming
He didn’t know if he was amused or unsettled by her ability to unbalance him the way she had. Correction.....
Shay Rucker
Swap out one of these men with the mute, and I’ll be right as rain,” Randy said from his spot near....
Trevion Burns
She tugged the sleeves down over her hands, stretching the fabric until the seams reached her fingernails.....
Shay Rucker
Fun and killing ain’t synonyms to regular folks, Zeus.”.
Lenise Lee
If you have no idea what I’m about to do, just watch and wait..then you’ll see time spin to a stop....
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