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Tag - calamity
Quotes Tagged With :calamity
Mehmet Murat ildan
If you can defeat your own calamity, you will be a hope for others and thus you can defeat the calamity....
J.D. Jordan
But wasn’t time for what was. Was time to settle up the future.
Munindra Misra
4.10 ANGERAnger makes a dull man witty,But keeps him poor in eternity,A man shrinks when he is angry,And....
T.F. Hodge
Realize clarity from calamity.
J.D. Jordan
The terrible price of living, ain’t it? To live through others dying?
J.D. Jordan
I was the luckiest girl. Don’t you think because I didn’t have no proper man or husband I was anything....
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
No destiny attacks us from outside. But, within him, man bears his fate and there comes a moment when....
J.D. Jordan
Seems a lot of men never saw one such as me. A girl what could keep up and fight and ride and curse with....
J.D. Jordan
And in the silence what followed, I reckon our eyes had some long conversation our mouths could’ve....
Lailah Gifty Akita
May the Lord rescue you from any calamity.
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