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Tag - calling
Quotes Tagged With :calling
Sunday Adelaja
Our service as believers is not complete without fellowship with people
Sunday Adelaja
Find as much information about your subject as you can
Sunday Adelaja
The wealth of time is the only wealth that is more valuable than human resources.
Sunday Adelaja
When we access ourselves wrongly, we are mistaken about our abilities
John Doerr
You talk to leadership in China, and THEY are all the engineers. They get what is going on immediately.....
Sunday Adelaja
God knows you have the ability to accomplish the task that He is giving you
Sunday Adelaja
It is important to abide in the word of God, pray ceaselessly, and fast regularly
Sunday Adelaja
If you have enjoyed something, but have never experienced joy, then u have not really been happy
Anastasia Bolinder
Adventures call a valiant few, happenstance calls many.
Sunday Adelaja
When you know your purpose in life, then by faith you know God will enable you to do it
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