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Tag - catherine
Quotes Tagged With :catherine
Catherine the Great
A great wind is blowing, and that gives you either imagination or a headache.
Catherine Lacey
Past love is as good as a past dream, intangible, impossible to share.
Suman Pokhrel
These heads sheltered by umbrellas be they of Zeb-un-Nisa, or Catherine of Cleopatra or Fenichka live....
Nicholas Sparks
Love is Love no matter old you are, and I knew if I gave you enough time, you'd come back to me.
Jeaniene Frost
Cat, hmmm? From where I sit you look more like a Kitten."My head jerked around and I shot him an annoyed....
Catherine Lacey
Though I knew I had the potential to do this locked in me like a poisonous pet snake, I knew I didn't....
Sharon Stone
I might be manipulating you to create risk for myself.
Catherine the Great
The more a man knows, the more he forgives.
Catherine Lacey
Speaking felt impossible, as contained and enclosed as she was, a longing that went on a loop, a longing....
Catherine LaRoche
The truth was, she found it hard to look at the man. It was like gazing at the sun.
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