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Tag - characterization
Quotes Tagged With :characterization
Shūsaku Endō
Over the years I have forged intimate familial ties with these characters, who are reflections of a portion....
Roxanne Gay
In many ways, likability is a very elaborate lie, a performance, a code of conduct dictating the proper....
Samuel R. Delany
There are three types of actions: purposeful, habitual, and gratuitous. Characters, to be immediate and....
Anthony Powell
When people really hate one another, the tension within them can sometimes make itself felt throughout....
Roman Payne
Favoring 'resolution' the way we do, it is hard for us men to write great love stories. Why?, because....
W. Somerset Maugham
Most of these stories are on the tragic side. But the reader must not suppose that the incidents I have....
Nick Hornby
I've committed to nothing...and that's just suicide...by tiny, tiny increments.
Robert Ludlum
Characterization is integral to the theatrical experience.
Charles Dickens
Now, to be sure, Mrs Varden thought, here is a perfect character. Here is a meek, righteous, thoroughgoing....
J.P. Delaney
Saul is as different from Simon Wakefield as it's possible to get, I find myself thinking. And Edward....
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