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Tag - charles
Quotes Tagged With :charles
Henry Fairfield Osborn
Quite recently the human descent theory has been stigmatized as the 'gorilla theory of human ancestry.'....
Charles Bukowski
there are so many dayswhen living stops and pulls up and sitsand waits like a train on the rails.
Margaret Irwin
Tonight, however, Dickens struck him in a different light. Beneath the author’s sentimental pity for....
G.K. Chesterton
They cannot indulge in any detailed or merely logical defense of life; that would delay the enjoyment....
Charles Dickens
And here you see me working out, as cheerfully and thankfully as I may, my doom of sharing in the glass....
Homer W. Smith
When in 1863 Thomas Huxley coined the phrase 'Man's Place in Nature,' it was to name a short collection....
Vladimir Onufrievich Kovalevskiĭ
Darwin's theory was received in Russia with profound sympathy. While in Western Europe it met firmly....
John Clute
Each of them is a book through which other books dream. (referring to Nodier's SMARRA and TRILBY)
Charles Linden
Being stress and anxiety free is a human preset, I just show you how to 'flick the switch' to off. Permanent....
Hans Selye
Indeed, not all attacks—especially the bitter and ridiculing kind leveled at Darwin—are offered in....
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