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Tag - charli
Quotes Tagged With :charli
Charles M. Schulz
Look at Charlie Brown's face. Would you please hold still a minute Charlie Brown? I want Linus to study....
Charlie Chaplin
Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.
Kathryn Holmes
Are you hurt?” the woman asks.“Just my—” Even after the water, her voice comes out as a dry hiss.....
Salman Rushdie
Religion, a mediaeval form of unreason, when combined with modern weaponry becomes a real threat to our....
Richard Bachman
Mr. Grace sounded like a very small child, helpless, hopeless. I had made him fuck himself with his own....
Barnaby Allen
Now the day has ended, its brief excitements already an imperfect memory.
Jenny Nimmo
Dad will come back,' said Charlie quietly.When Mrs Bone turned to him, she didn't look sad at all, in....
Neil Gaiman
Fat Charlie went back to his hotel room, the colour of underwater, where his lime sat, like a small green....
Charlie Chaplin
As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I....
Widad Akreyi
I will follow anyone... and invite everyone... too unite and defend the freedom of expression.
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