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Tag - chemical
Quotes Tagged With :chemical
Toba Beta
There's no such thing as emotion.It's only body chemistry in action.
Lauren DeStefano
Trust is the strongest weapon.
Lauren DeStefano
It's best to let her go," he says.No, no, that's wrong. It's never right to give up on someone.
Gerard Way
Well my gun fires seven different shades of shit, so what's your favorite color, punk?
Agnostic Zetetic
There is, in fact, no safeword for chemical burns under one’s fingernails.
Atalina Wright
Love's alchemical power is nevermore clear than in the moments when we least expect it to grace our lives;....
Rebecca McNutt
You should find something better to do with your time,” Mandy told him. “I spend my time shooting....
Auguste Laurent
The chemists who uphold dualism are far from being agreed among themselves; nevertheless, all of them....
Florence Williams
If to have breasts is to be human, then to save them is to save ourselves.
Rebecca McNutt
How promising today's generation is. They can whip out their cellular phones like sheep, instantly take....
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