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Tag - childhood
Quotes Tagged With :childhood
Tanmaya Guru
Today, childhood is trying to find his future in the trash.
Jack Kerouac
I have such a hopeless dream of walking or being there at night, nothing happens, I just pass, everything....
Milan Rúfus
There always comes the day when children swallowthe key to the door of secrecy. They’ll not return....
Kilroy J. Oldster
Childhood introduces children to the wounds of the world.
Laleh Khadivi
He considered himself, and the way he moved in reaction, like a pinball, from one thing to the next,....
Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich
Years later, I remember the waxy taste of the yellow paint, the papery taste of splintered wood, the....
Richard Louv
The woods were my Ritalin. Nature calmed me, focused me, and yet excited my senses.
Friedrich Nietzsche
The eternal child. - We think that play and fairy tales belong to childhood:how shortsighted that is!....
Eskay Teel
I'm still not sure if I was a victim or not... and if I was, who was my abuser?
Sloane Crosley
It's remarkable the logic we'll build around a misapprehension.
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