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Tag - chile
Quotes Tagged With :chile
Theodore Jerome Cohen
It’s an old story, amigo mío. Be careful of those closest to you because they can do the most damage.....
André Gunder Frank
Arnold Harberger, Milton Friedman & Co. Inc., your modest proposal of partial equilibrium for the general....
Brad Leithauser
I read not so long ago about the construction of a large telescope in Chile's Atacama Desert, where rainfall....
Sara Sheridan
There was something indomitable about Maria – like Britannia. He’d heard that she kept her head during....
Ariel Dorfman
Mr. Disney, we are returning your Duck. Feathers plucked and well-roasted. Look inside, you can see the....
Heinrich von Kleist
In Santiago, the capital of the kingdom of Chile, at the moment of the great earthquake of 1647 in which....
Gabriel García Márquez
The experience taught him [Salvador Allende] too late that a system cannot be changed from the government....
Christopher Hitchens
1. Bangladesh.... In 1971 ... Kissinger overrode all advice in order to support the Pakistani generals....
Gabriela Mistral
You shall create beauty not to excite the sensesbut to give sustenance to the soul.
Nicanor Parra
Laughing like crazythe child goes back to the citygives birth to monsterscreates earthquakeshairy women....
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