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Tag - chins
Quotes Tagged With :chins
Katie McGarry
Noah held my hand and my bag as he escorted me to the third floor - the Women's Pavilion. The elevator....
Katie McGarry
Come on, baby. It’s time.”“You’re mean, Noah.”The blanket falls off her arm as I slide a finger....
Katie McGarry
She pushed off her toes toward me, guiding my head down, and gently kissed my lips. No. This wouldn’t....
Katie McGarry
You know a lot about math," I said. You know a lot about math? What type of statement was that? Right....
Katie McGarry
Will we have pets?” I bite back the question regarding kids. While this might be a fun fantasy, imagining....
Katie McGarry
Noah?"A welcome voice - not my mother's, but welcome all the same: Echo. A smile spread across my face.....
Dorothy L. Sayers
(One character on another:)"Don't you know that I passionately dote on every chin on his face?
Katie McGarry
Just a shower. If you want me to stay on the opposite side, I will. I won’t kiss. I won’t touch.”Echo....
Katie McGarry
Echo, kissing you for the rest of my life would be good enough, and you need to get these fucked-up thoughts....
Katie McGarry
Please, Noah, I don't want to do this wrong. Tell me how to make you feel good."He shifted so that his....
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