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Tag - cinder
Quotes Tagged With :cinder
Charmaine J. Forde
Broken GlassI watched herBeardlessWith little ego,FightingOn top ofThe ceiling,Like CinderellaIn high....
H.L. Balcomb
Fearlessness means surrendering one’s outcomes – in essence, making peace that your outcomes regarding....
Marissa Meyer
But was the woman's death the tragedy, or her life?
A soul wound doesn't grow a new layer of normality overnight" Cinderella in Focus: Cindy'Secret
Beth Moore Jones
Cinderella was made for more than sweeping the floor.
Marissa Meyer
Linh Cinder. Such a pleasure. My master has spoken so highly of you.”Cinder paused and studied her....
Our Higher Self: The part of us that is connected to nature and also humanity" from Cinderella in Focus:....
Beth Harbison
Fairy tales die hard in the minds and hearts of some girls. Quinn
H.L. Balcomb
Try - now's gift.
Clara Diane Thompson
Apple Tree Inn, the nightly gathering place of all Winslow residents, and in many ways the core of the....
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