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Tag - cinema
Quotes Tagged With :cinema
Edward Ross
But this is the ultimate contradiction of cinema. It's a medium BORN of technology, AFRAID of technology....
Gabby Bess
I wouldn’t be a good wife, but I would be a wife in a way that was cinematically compelling.
David Thomson
Bette Davis lived long enough to hear the Kim Carnes song, 'Bette Davis Eyes'. The lyrics to that song....
Louis Lumière
The cinema is an invention without any future.
Steven Millhauser
Franklin knew that the truth lay with the winter night: the world was silent and black-and-white.
Abhijit Naskar
Whatever genre you deem suitable for your taste – romance, comedy, action, mystery, sci-fi or anything....
Georges Duhamel
I can no longer think what I want to think. My thoughts have been replaced by moving images.
Mel Brooks
A cinema villain essentially needs a moustache so he can twiddle with it gleefully as he cooks up his....
Ross Macdonald
If California is a state of mind, Hollywood is where you take its temperature. There is a peculiar sense....
David Fincher
Filmmaking isn’t if you can just strap on a camera onto an actor, and steadicam, and point it at their....
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