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Tag - cliche
Quotes Tagged With :cliche
Ann Beattie
Clichés so often befall vain people.
Harlan Coben
I wish i could tell you that through the tragedy i mined some undiscovered, life-altering absolute that....
Christine de Pizan
Does a rake deserve to possess anything of worth, since he chases everything in skirts and then imagines....
Grayson Perry
An artist's job is to make new clichés.
Hugh MacLeod
People are fond of spouting out the old cliché about how Van Gogh never sold a painting in his lifetime.....
Elena Ferrante
Literary truth is not the truth of the biographer or the reporter, it’s not a police report or a sentence....
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Why do you consult [women's] words when it is not their mouths that speak? Consult their eyes, their....
Michael Bassey Johnson
Don't bother to ring a bell in the ear that doesn't listen. Move to another ear, and if he doesn't listen....
Anne Bradstreet
Now say, have women worth, or have they none? Or had they some, but with our Queen is’t gone? Nay Masculines,....
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Women, for their part, are always complaining that we raise them only to be vain and coquettish, that....
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