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Tag - completion
Quotes Tagged With :completion
Vironika Tugaleva
When we stop looking for someone to complete us... We find completion in ourselves.
Dennis Sharpe
The things this man does to me are beyond what I feel should be possible. Butterflies. Fucking butterflies.....
Johnnie Dent Jr.
Always take failure as an opinion never as an option.
Toba Beta
Hoax needed to complete the premises of truth.
Johnnie Dent Jr.
A dreamer must be discovered working or working on it or it is reduced to a wish.
Miya Yamanouchi
Female competition is when you are with a guy you like and you look around, see that you're the prettiest....
Farshad Asl
Growth is the sum of small efforts repeated daily. Commit yourself to take 5 DAILY ACTIONS that would....
Mary Zimmerman
A: The soul wanders in the dark, until it finds love. And so, wherever our love goes, there we find our....
Charles de Lint
Can you remember how you felt when you were communicating through your artwork? Not just the sense of....
Karl Pearson
When every fact, every present or past phenomenon of that universe, every phase of present or past life....
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