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Tag - compulsive
Quotes Tagged With :compulsive
Simona Panova
Strength and victory... What he would never praise himself for, but whose loss was his most obsessive....
Donna Tartt
The thought of her gave me such a continual anguish that I could no more forget her than an aching tooth.....
Karen A. Duncan
Culture alone cannot explain the phenomena of such high rates of eating disorders. Eating disorders are....
Susan Forward
When your lover is a liar, you and he have a lot in common, you're both lying to you!
Chelsea Handler
If I had seen pictures of people eating each other on the wall, I would've told him I was into cannibalism.....
Gillian Flynn
I am smiling a big adopted-orphan smile as I write this ... I still love scribbling the word - WRITER....
Susan Forward
Reality CheckHis lying is not contigent on who you are or what you do. His lying is not your fault. Lying....
Tony Schwartz
Truthful hyperbole’ is a contradiction in terms. It’s a way of saying, ‘It’s a lie, but who cares?’ ....
Donald Trump is a liar because he is a coward. It is fear and cowardice that make him lie. it is his....
Criss Jami
Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar,....
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