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Tag - condescending
Quotes Tagged With :condescending
R.L. Mathewson
It’s not complicated and it doesn’t compare to my problem, now give me a damn cookie I think I earned....
Michael Bassey Johnson
I don't purchase people with money, or hiss like a snake to attract their attention, all i do is to rest....
Michael Bassey Johnson
You'll make bundle of blunders if you consider yourself too clever to look at anothers work.
V.C. Andrews
Then turn your eyes back on me,and tell me that Cathy and I are still children to be treated with condescension,....
Natsuki Takaya
Kyo: Of course, I'll beat YOU, too!Yuki: Don't you ever get tired of saying that?Kyo: Beating you is....
Charles Dickens
... I have always thought of Christmas-time... as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant....
James Baldwin
Whether in private debate or in public, any attempt I made to explain how the Black Muslim movement came....
La Tisha Honor
House rule number nine. No roach shall drink or eat out of the good cups in the kitchen. The plastic....
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