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Tag - cono
Quotes Tagged With :cono
Lawrence W. Reed
Have you ever noticed how statists are constantly “reforming” their own handiwork? Education reform.....
Sunday Adelaja
The secret of real prosperity in the church is to teach God’s people principles of economic empowerment....
Sunday Adelaja
Effective time management is instrumental for economic reformation.
Halldór Laxness
The life of man is so short that ordinary people simply cannot afford to be born
Sunday Adelaja
Ignorance leads to economic failures.
Ludwig von Mises
Nevertheless statesmen are still greatly exercised by the problem of the international distribution of....
- Larken Rose
For anyone who thinks "profit" is evil, I have a challenge for you: try NOT to get any profit in the....
Isabel Paterson
There can be no greater stretch of arbitrary power than to seize children from their parents, teach them....
Arzak Khan
The impact of the internet on economic development is shifting in two important directions. First, given....
Toba Beta
Science blasphemed when tries to eliminate scarcity in economy.
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