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Tag - conservation
Quotes Tagged With :conservation
Black Elk
The Holy Land is everywhere
Theodore Roosevelt
Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history....
Robin Bielman
Charlie swallowed. He was gloriously sexy. The hottest man she'd ever seen with his sculpted chest and....
Gerald Durrell
In conservation, the motto should always be 'never say die'.
Terry Spear
He tossed her over his shoulder and stalked back to the bedroom. "What do you think you're doing?" "I've....
Garry Rogers
We cannot seem to help ourselves they said. Thus, the hominid spark of intelligence flares, burns everything....
Robin Bielman
I want to go slow, baby, I really do," he whispered at the side of her neck. "But I'm not going to be....
Dieter Braun
Even if mankind can go on without them, a piece of our vibrantly diverse world dies along with each species.....
Robin Bielman
He parked the car, pressed the button for the roof to fold back, and undid his seat belt. "It's an emergency."Goldilocks....
John Stuart Mills
It is not good for man to be kept perforce at all times in the presence of his species. A world from....
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